This blog is here to document all of the love that I have for my son. These letters will memorialize and immortalize the days we have together. Hopefully this blog will help to keep all of the memories of love and happiness alive over the years and keep it all from fading with the passing of years.


Dear Michael,

You turned 2 weeks old on Saturday. I can hardly wrap my head around that fact, it feels like just yesterday that I was holding you in my arms for the first time. You're growing too fast for me I just want you to stay little forever. You're so sweet and innocent right now, nothing has ever hurt you. I wish I could keep that from ever changing. You dont understand how fiercely protective a mommy is of her babies until you are a mommy. Im serioisly starting t understand why mothers are sometimes referred to as mama bears. I would do anything to protect my little cub. You're too perfect to ever be hurt. When you were first born and we were sitting in the hospital alone while your daddy went to show some family how to get to our room I remember kissisng your little head and promising that nothing would ever ever hurt you and that as long as Im around youll be protected from the world. I could cry at the realization that I cant keep that promise because the world will hurt everyone eventually and there isnt anything I can do to stop that. Maybe I should stop my rambling now. Yesterday we went to your great great grandma's house for a little get together with daddys family. We had food and they gave us a bunch of gifts for you. It was really nice which is rare when it comes to a visit with daddys family. Everyone just loved you. They thought you were the cutest little thing and I hardly got to hold you at all unless I was feeding you. I ended up lying about when you needed to eat so I could have you back in my arms because you were gone from them for so long and Im not used to really ever putting you down. Right now, as I type this, you're snoring on my lap. We sleep together every night. When Im not sleeping you usually are, on me. When you arent sleeping you're usually in my arms or propped up against my knees. Everyone keeps saying im going to spoil you and it makes me want to scream. You're just a baby. How can you spoil a baby with too much love? too much love isnt really a thing. If anything Ive spoiled myself. You were quite fussy last night which isnt normal for you. You had an upset stomach I think. I couldnt put you down even for a second or you would wake up and scream until I fed you again. But that just meant I got to hold you more so Im okay with it. Gosh I dont know how I managed to be blessed with such a perfect son.

I love you so much,



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